Monday, May 8, 2017

Trump staff had to ask Justin Trudeau to call Trump to make him back down from exiting NAFTA

Remember how last month Donald Trump threatened that he would end NAFTA and then he bragged that Canada and Mexico called him to negotiate? Well, turns out it was Trump's staff the ones who called Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to ask him to call Trump. This was reported today by the Candaian press.

White House staff called the Prime Minister’s Office last month to urge Justin Trudeau to persuade President Donald Trump not to tear up the North American Free Trade Agreement, according to multiple Canadian government sources.

The unconventional diplomatic manoeuvre — approaching the head of a foreign government to influence your own boss — proved decisive, as Trump thereafter abandoned his threat to pull out of NAFTA unilaterally, citing the arguments made by Trudeau and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto as pivotal.

So let me get this straight: Trump leaks his intent to end NAFTA. But then, after getting no response from Canada, Trump's people called Justin Trudeau to ask him to call Trump and talk him out of ending NAFTA.

That means either, A) Trump's claim that he would leave NAFTA was bullshit and he just wanted to brag that Canada and Mexico begged him not to do it. Or B) Trump was serious about leaving NAFTA and his people got to worried about Trump going nuts that they asked Trudeau to talk him out of it.

Honestly, I think it was option A. Trump wanted to look like he was going to leave NAFTA but he needed an excuse to back off, so his people called Trudeau to tell him Trump was going nuts and it would help if he called him to ask him to back down. It made no sense for Trump's yes men to call Trudeu to call Trump and contradict one of Trump's campaign promises.

And it fits perfectly with the fact that Trump is a bullshit artist.

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