Friday, May 12, 2017

James Clapper contradicts Trump's claims about James Comey and not being colluding with Russia

Donald Trump tweeted that even James Comey, former intelligence chief, says there's no collusion between Trump and Russia:

But that's a lie. Clapper, first of all, has been out of the federal government since the end of 2016. That means he can't possibly know if the FBI has new evidence showing Trump colluded with Russia.

Second, according to NBC News, Clapper told MSNBC he DOES NOT know if there was collusion or not between Trump and Russia. He does not claim ther wasn't any.

Clapper did confirm, however, that it was Trump the one who called Comey to a dinner in which Trump demanded loyalty from Comey, not the other way around. Trump has denied that he demanded loyalty, but Clapper hear it directly from Comey. According to NBC:

James Clapper, who retired in January as director of national intelligence, told NBC's Andrea Mitchell that Comey told him on the night of the dinner the president had invited him — and he was uneasy about it.

Clapper then said it would have been out of character for Comey to tell Trump anything about the Russia investigation:

Clapper said it would have been inappropriate and out of character for Comey to have asked for job security, or to have told the president anything about a pending criminal investigation.

Clapper's claim was also made by a former FBI official:

A former senior FBI official said Comey would never have told the president he was not under investigation — contradicting what Trump said.

"[Comey] tried to stay away from it [the Russian-ties investigation]," said the former official, who worked closely with Comey and keeps in touch with him. "He would say, 'Look sir, I really can't get into it, and you don't want me to.'"

And there's more. The same FBI source who knew about te dinner contradicted Trump's claim that Comey asked Trump to keep him as FBI director:

"The president is not correct," the former official said. "The White House called [Comey] out of the blue. Comey didn't want to do it. He didn't even want the rank and file at the FBI to know about it."

Finally, in response to Sarah Huckabee Sanders's claim that she had spoken with "countless" FBI agentes who were against Comey, this is what the former FBI officials had to say about it:

"I doubt five people at the FBI even have the [phone] number of the deputy White House press secretary," the former senior official said.

In short, Trump lied. Comey never told Trump he wasn't under invstigation. Which means Trump could be under investigation and that's why he fired James Comey.

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