Thursday, May 11, 2017

Sarah Sanders lied twice: Acting FBI director contradicts her on Comey and Russia investigation

The Trump administration, through deputy Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, claimed there was "a near, like, uprising" in the FBI against James Comey and that's why Donald Trump fired him.

Well, a few hours later acting FBI director, Andrew McCabe, testified before Congress and contradicted the Trump administration, saying James Comey had "broad support" from the FBI, contradicting the Trump administration's claim that Comey didn't have the support of the FBI angents and that there was a lack of morale with Comey at the FBI.

According to CBS:

"I can tell you that I hold Director Comey in the absolute highest regard," McCabe said.

McCabe added that Comey "enjoyed broad support within the FBI and still does to this day," contradicting the White House's claim that Comey had lost the support of rank-and-file members of the FBI.

And according to The New York Times:

“Director Comey enjoyed broad support within the F.B.I. and still does to this day,” Mr. McCabe said at the hearing.

“The vast majority of F.B.I. employees enjoyed a deep and positive connection to Director Comey,” he added.

So there goes another bullshit story from the Trump White House in their desperate attempt at justifying firing Comey, fueling the suspicion that the real reason for the firing was the Russia investigation.

Speaking of which, McCabe also contradicted Sanders' claim minimizing the Russia investigation. In fact, McCabe said, the investigation is highly significant:

Mr. McCabe also said that the Justice Department’s investigation into whether any Trump associates colluded with Russia in the presidential election was “highly significant,” another direct contradiction of the White House.

A day earlier, a spokeswoman for Mr. Trump [Sarah Huckabee Sanders], trying to parry accusations that Mr. Comey’s firing was related to the Russia inquiry, called it “probably one of the smallest things that they’ve got going on their plate” at the F.B.I.

So that's two bullshit stories from the Trump administration about the FBI that got debunked... by the FBI.

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