Friday, May 12, 2017

Trump threatens with suspending press briefings and do them himself every two weeks

Before tweeting his threat against James Comey this morning, Donald Trump tweeted some bullshit excuse for his surrogates (Sean Spicer, Sarah Sanders, Kellyanne Conway, etc) giving contradicting excuses to the press about why Trump fired James Comey, only to get contradicted again by Trump himself during Lester Holt's interview. But he also issued a threat to suspend the press briefings:

Well, first of all, the White House DID hand out a written response about the Comey firing on May 9. The written response was signed by Sean Spicer. And it was contradicted by Trump himself two days later.

Here's the response signed by Spicer still available at the White House website:

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
May 09, 2017

Statement from the Press Secretary

Today, President Donald J. Trump informed FBI Director James Comey that he has been terminated and removed from office. President Trump acted based on the clear recommendations of both Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

“The FBI is one of our Nation’s most cherished and respected institutions and today will mark a new beginning for our crown jewel of law enforcement,” said President Trump.

A search for a new permanent FBI Director will begin immediately.

Two days later, Trump says to Lester Holt that he was going to fire Comey anyway regardless of what the Department of Justice said.

So that's the bullshit part of the tweets. But then there's the pussy part of the tweets. Trump actually considered suspending press briefings. And he didn't just say it in a tweet. He said it also to Fox News. Specifically, Trump said it to Janine Pirro, one of Trump's most ardent supporters at Fox News. Pirro was shocked by Trump's suggestion, who then went to say that instead of daily press briefings he would give press conferences himself every two weeks.

Here's the video of that interview with Pirro. Notice two things: The shock on Pirro's face when Trump says he's considering suspending the press briefings, and how Trump admits Sean Spicer gets "beat up" by the press every time there's a briefing:

Now, consider the following:

1. Trump claims that he's such an "active" president that his communications team can't keep up with him. That's a double lie. First, because Trump has been playing golf most of his weekends in the White House up to this point. And second, Trump changed his story about Comey TWO DAYS after he fired Comey. AND he did it without even giving his people a heads up. He simply threw them under the bus. That's not being "active." That's being a compulsive liar.

2. If Trump is such an "active" president, as he claims, how exactly is he going to make time to give a press conference every two weeks?

What's really happening here is this: Trump thinks that by threatening with suspending the press briefings the media is not going to question him. But that's not going to happen. First, because the media's job is to question the president. And second, because the press briefings are not for the media, but for the public.

Now, keep this in mind: Trump was asked once if he would fire Spicer. He said no because he gets "great ratings." I kid you not. Here's the quote as published in The Washington Post on April 23:

During a small working lunch at the White House last month, the question of job security in President Trump’s tumultuous White House came up, and one of the attendees wondered whether press secretary Sean Spicer might be the first to go.

The president’s response was swift and unequivocal. “I’m not firing Sean Spicer,” he said, according to someone familiar with the encounter. “That guy gets great ratings. Everyone tunes in.”

So Trump didn't care if Sean Spicer was a liar and a clown who got "beat up" by the press. He cared for ratings. But now that Trump has been contradicting Spicer and the rest of his surrogates, he's making an ass of himself because of those "great ratings."

Thus, what Trump is really showing by saying he will suspend the press briefings is not that he's an "active" president, but a coward. And that he has something to hide.

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