Friday, May 12, 2017

Corruption: Trump administration stalled investigations on fraud in for-profit colleges

According to The New York Times, during the Obama administration there was a crackdown on fraud perpetrated by for-profit colleges, but with Donald Trump in power, and Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Educations, the investigations into fraud in private schools stalled.

From the NYT article:

The Education Department’s sweeping crackdown on fraudulent practices at for-profit colleges has stalled under the Trump administration’s appointees, several current and former department employees say.

Current and former employees, who requested anonymity for fear of retaliation, said tight restrictions have been put on staff members scrutinizing for-profit institutions, constraining their contact with other state and federal agencies without high-level approval — a contention a department spokesman denied.

And why is the Trump administration playing dumb about for-profit college fraud? Well, this could shed some light into the question:

Ms. DeVos has brought aboard officials who have worked in the for-profit college sector and have expressed skepticism about the Obama administration’s aggressive regulation and enforcement. Supporters say that for-profit colleges provide a ladder for the most disadvantaged students and that any misdeeds represent a tiny fraction of the industry.

As you can see, it's the old "a few bad apples" argument Republicans are so fond of using. But in this case the entire crackdown was stalled. Which means even the "few bad apples" are getting a pretty big break.

But the fact that people who worked for the for-profit sector are on board only demonstrates yet again that the "swamp" wasn't draied at all with Trump. It only got bigger.

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