Thursday, May 18, 2017

DAY 119: Trump throws a tantrum because of Russia investigation and lies about Clinton and Obama

So after a day of staying mostly quiet on Twitter, finally Donald Trump couldn't resist throwing a tantrum about the fact tha a
Special Counsel was appointed for the Russia investigation:

Nope. That was the McCarthy witch hunt. And that one was a true witch hunt. But then Trump outright lied:

Two things about this:

1. The Republicans investigated Hillary Clinton several times, all the way to days before the 2016 election and found nothing. As per Barack Obama, he did not break any laws, but Trump did tell some pretty big lies about him, such as the birth certificate thing.

2. If Trump is so convinced Clinton and Obama commited crimes, why doesn't he ask Jeff Sessions to open an investigation? Oh, that's right: Because it's bullshit.

Finally: The Special Counsel for the Russia investigation was appointed by the Deputy Attornet General, who happened to be appointed by Donald Trump just a couple of weeks prior. So why is Trump bitching and moaning about what his own Deputy Attorney General is doing?

Because if Trump did not collude with Russia, as he insists he didn't, then why does he keep on complaining about it? If he didn't collude with Russia, then there shouldn't be any problem at all and Trump shouldn't be worried about it, right? Why the tantrum them?

Perhaps because he DID collude with Russia?

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