Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Jeff Sessions did not disclose meetings with Russian officials when applying for security clearance

According to CNN, Attorney General Jeff Sessions did not disclose meetings he had with Russian officials when he was applying for security clearance.

Sessions had met with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak at least twice in 2016, but he did not disclose the meetings to the Justice Department.

From the CNN article:

Attorney General Jeff Sessions did not disclose meetings he had last year with Russian officials when he applied for his security clearance, the Justice Department told CNN Wednesday.
Sessions, who met with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak at least two times last year, didn't note those interactions on the form, which requires him to list "any contact" he or his family had with a "foreign government" or its "representatives" over the past seven years, officials said.

Sessions excuse is the FBI said he did not have to disclose dozens of meetings he had with foreign officials as a Senator. The FBI declined to comment, but given the evidence about Russian intereference in the 2016 election, seems rather odd that Sessions did not report the two meetings.

Or rather, it sounds incriminiating.

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