Friday, May 5, 2017

Trump wants to cut funding for the Office of Drug Control Policy by 95

Throughout his campaign, during his inauguration speech, and even recently on Twitter in defense of his border wall, Donald Trump has been either claiming or suggesting he will fight drugs. Well, guess what? His administration proposed today to cut the Office of Drug Control Policy by 95%.

According to The New York Times:

President Trump’s administration revealed plans to gut the 2018 budget of his Office of National Drug Control Policy. According to an Office of Management and Budget document obtained by The New York Times, the White House is proposing to slash the drug policy office budget about 95 percent, to just $24 million from $388 million. The cuts would mean the office could lose up to 33 employees.

The reason for cutting funding for the Office of Drug Control Policy programs? Because Trump claims those programs are duplicates of other federal programs.

Trump's own drug czar, Rich Baum, complained about the intended cuts in an email sent to the White House. He said:

“These drastic proposed cuts are frankly heartbreaking and, if carried out, would cause us to lose many good people who contribute greatly to O.N.D.C.P.’s mission and core activities,” Mr. Baum wrote. “I don’t want to see this happen.”

Not only that; Baum says the funding cuts are at odds with Trump's claim that he would fight the opioid crisis.

So Trump was lying about fighting drugs. As usual.

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