Thursday, May 11, 2017

James Comey had stepped up the Trump-Russia investigation before Trump fired him

The Wall Street Journal revealed today that former FBI Director James Comey was actually stepping up the investigation into te collusion of Russia and the Trump campaign before he got fired. From the WSJ article:

In the weeks before President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, a federal investigation into potential collusion between Trump associates and the Russian government was heating up, as Mr. Comey became increasingly occupied with the probe.

Mr. Comey started receiving daily instead of weekly updates on the investigation, beginning at least three weeks ago, according to people with knowledge of the matter and the progress of the Federal Bureau of Investigation probe. Mr. Comey was concerned by information showing possible evidence of collusion, according to these people.

Daily instead of weekly updates. And Trump wants the public to believe firing Comey had nothing to do with the Russia investigation?

This reeks of obstruction of justice even more.

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