Wednesday, May 17, 2017

DAY 118: Trump asked James Comey to jail reporters who publish leaks

According to The New York Times, Donald Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to actually jail reporters who published leaked information from the Trump administration. From the NYT article:

During a private meeting in February with the former F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, President Trump floated a proposal that, even by the standards of a leader who routinely advertises his disdain for the news media, brought editors and reporters up short.

You should consider, Mr. Trump told Mr. Comey, jailing journalists who publish classified information.

That's the same private meeting in which Trump asked Comey to stop investigating Michael Flynn, which also happened the day after Michael Flynn was fired because of his contacts with Russia.

So let me get this straight: Trump wanted Comey to stop investigating Flynn even though Flynn clearly had ties to Russia, but he also wanted Comey to jail reporters for practicing their first ammendment rights.

That's how authoritarian Trump is.

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