Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Trump loses AGAIN: His Muslim ban got defeated by Australia

Guess what? Donald Trump's Muslim ban got defeated by Australia!

The Washington Post published an article about Donald Trump hanging up on Australia's Prime Minister during a phone call on Saturday, January 28, 2017. And while most people may be tempted to see the fact that Trump behaved like a jerk in that phone call as the main story, the real story is the reason why Trump hung up.

You see; During the Obama administration, the United States agreed with Australia to take 1,250 refugees who were in an Australian detention center under terrible conditions. But Trump found out about it the day after he ordered his racist Muslim ban.

According to the Washington Post, Trump complained to Australia's Prime Minister that he, Trump, was “going to get killed” politically because of the refugees detained in Australia, since Trump said he would honor refugee agreemens from previous administrations.

The thing is, the Australian agreement included refugees from Iran, one of the countries in Trump's Muslim ban.

It is unclear if the refugees are already here or if they will be here. If it's the latter, Trump's Muslim ban got defeated by Australia. That might be the case, since on Wednesday night he tweeted this:

Except those are NOT "illegal immigrants." They are refugees. There's a very BIG difference.

So for now, Trump has to take the refugees. If he doesn't he's going to get into bad terms with Australia, one of the United States's closest allies.

Oh, by the way: According to the Washington Post Trump also said in the phone call that Australia was seeking to export “next Boston bombers.”

Which shows a very high level of ignorance by Trump. The Boston Bombers were not from ANY of the countries in Trump's Muslim ban. They were from Kyrgyzstan, a former Soviet republic. And they migrated to the US after their parents asked for asylum. 10 years later they became US citizens.

But guess what? None of the former Soviet republics are in Trump's ban. One can only guess Trump doesn't want to make Vladimir Putin unhappy.

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