Sunday, February 19, 2017

DAY 31: The Washington Post fact-checked Trump's Florida Rally speech and... the speech is full of bullshit

The Washington Post fact-checked Donald Trump's speech at his rally in Florida on Saturday, February 18, 2017, and found Trump lied and bent the facts multiple times, from his claims that jobs are beinc created because of him (false: the last job increases took place with Barack Obama), to a quote he used from Thomas Jefferson bad-mouthing the media as liars because the media were getting reports that Jefferson was having sex with one of his slaves... which was actually true and Jefferson was trying to cover it up.

But Trump tried to use the quote to attack the media as "fake news."

Trump also lied about the jobs that the Keystone and Dakota Access pipelines would create (he claimed tens of thousands, when in reality is about 3,900 for the Keystone pipeline); He took credit for a negotiation for the new Air Force One that never took place (and that Trump couldn't even negotiate because Congress is the one with the authority to do so).

And then there was Sweeden. Trump claimed the previous night some sort of terrorist attack took place in Sweeden. That was a lie. And even former Sweedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt asked on Twitter what is Trump "smoking":

Oh, and the Sweedish government formally asked the US government for an explanation of what the FUCK Trump was talking about:

And the list goes on and on. But I think this should be enough to show just how much Trump is lying, and the level of poor judgement his followers show.

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