Thursday, February 9, 2017

Kellyanne Coway seems to have broken federal laws by promoting Ivanka Trump's products

Because Nordstrom dropped Ivanka Trump's clothing line from its stores after the #GrabYourWallet boycott, Kellyanne Conway literally promoted Ivanka Trump's products from the White House during a TV Interview. "Go buy Ivanka stuff" are her exact words to Fox and Friends on Fox News:

The problem is, federal law prohibits public servants from promoting ANY products.

The law says the following according to the Office of Government Ethics:

"An employee shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enerprise..."

Unfortuntaly, enforcement of this particular law is done by the Office of Government Ethics, which means Trump may not enforce the law. And eve if he did, the sanction could be a multi-day suspension and loss of pay.

So the most Conway the law could do to Conway is to send her home for a few days without pay.

Which may not seem like a lot, but hey; it's a few days without your taxes paying Conway to lie to the public.

PS: For breaking the law, Kellyanne Conway was not punished AT ALL. According to Sean Spicer in a pres briefing, Conway was simply "counseled". On what? Who knows. So in the Trump White House people can break the law and nothing happens. What was it Trump used to call Hillary Clinton? Ah yes; "crooked."

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