Saturday, February 4, 2017

DAY 16: Trump throws a tantrum after Judge stops his Muslim ban

After a federal Judge in Seattle blocked Donald Trump's Muslim ban, Trump threw a tantrum on Twitter:

The fact that Trump is calling the federal Judge "so-called" shows Trump's lack of respect for the checks and balances in the federal government. But the bigger issue is this: what happens now?

Well, if Trump challenges the court order he would have to take his challenge to an appeals court. If the appeals court upholds the order from the Seattle Judge then Trump can appeal to the Supreme Court. And if the Supreme Court gets a divided vote, since they only have 8 judges, the appeals court's decision stands.

Now, if the appeals court overturns the Seattle court's ruling, then the case may go to the Supreme Court. There are two possible outcomes:

A) The Supreme Court gets a divided vote and the appeals court's decision stands, overturning the Seattle decision.

B) Justice Anthony Kennedy, who is conservative but doesn't always vote with the other 3 conservative Justices, sides with the 4 liberal Justices and overturns the appeal's court ruling. In that case, the Seattle ruling stands and the Muslim ban is stopped.

But there's more; No court has issued a ruling on the constitutionality of the Muslim ban. All of the decisions so far have been based on the idea of people being in peril if they are turned back to their countries of origin. In fact, the first court orders against the Muslim ban were temporary so the courts could analyze the constitutionality of the Muslim ban.

Which means the Seattle ruling won't the be last we'll hear about this case.

Which also means we'll probably hear more of Trump's tantrums.

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