Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Donald Trump twees fake news on his Muslim ban based on questionable poll

Even though he said just a few days ago that polls were wrong, today Donald Trump tweeted one questionable Morning Consult poll to claim his Muslim ban is approved by most voters.

But a poll conducted by Quinnipiac at the same time as the Morning Consult poll shows the exact opposite: Most voters oppose the Muslim ban.

Here are the two polls:

First the poll tweeted by Trump, conducted between Februrary 2 and February 4:

But there's one problem with that poll. It also shows Trump's approval rating went down by 2 points, while his disapproval went up 5 points, for a total of 47% approving Trump and 46% disapproving Trump.

Now, from February 2 to February 6 Quinnipiac conducted its own poll regarding the Muslim ban and the results were the exact opposite: Quinnipiac says 51% oppose the ban and 46% approve it.

Not only that; the poll shows 57% do not approve the way Trump is handling terrorism, while only 41% approve it. The same with immigration: 56% disapprove the way he's handling immigration and 41% approve him.

Additionally 49% said Trump has gone too far in restricting civil liberties in the name of fighting terrorism, while only 39% say he has not gone far enough.


50% oppose suspending migrantion, including refugees, from "terrorist" countries, while only 44% agree.

So Trump's poll is questionable at best. And by tweeting it, without showing other polls, he's promoting FAKE NEWS.

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