Thursday, February 9, 2017

DAY 21: Donald Trump lies: Falsely accuses Rich Blumenthal of misrepresenting Neil Gorsuch

So now Donald Trump is lying about the Senator Rich Blumenthal, who said Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch found Trump's attacks on the judges who are reviewing his Muslim ban "dishartening" and "demoralizing."

Donald Trump tweeted this today:

Before we get into the Gorsuch thing, let's be clear on something: Donald Trump dodged the draft during the Vietnam war.

He dodged it by getting 4 college deferments and a medical deferment for "bad feet" so he wouldn't have to go to Vietnam. That is, even though he was an athlete in college. But according to Trump he got a letter from a doctor saying he had problems with his heels but than “over a period of time, it healed up”.

I kid you not. Read the New York Times article about it in the link above.

As per Senator Rich Blumenthal, he also had 5 deferments to avoid going to Vietnam.

The problem is, Trump's beef with Blumenthal has nothing to do with the military, but with a quote from Blumenthal regarding Supreme court nominee Neil Gursuch. According to Trump, Blumenthaal misrepresented Gorsuch. Turns out the one who lied was Trump, as Blumenthal never misrepresented Gorsuch's words.

Blumethal said that Gorsuch said Trump's attacks agsinst the judges who are handling his Muslim ban were "dishartening" and "demoralizing." And according to CNN, Gorsuch confirmed Blumenthal's comments:

Within a half-hour, Gorsuch spokesman Ron Bonjean, who was tapped by the White House to head communications for Gorsuch, confirmed that the nominee, Gorsuch, used those words in his meeting with Blumenthal. Several other senators, including Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska, later relayed similar accounts of Gorsuch forcefully criticizing Trump's public attacks on the judiciary branch.

So now we have a case of a draft dodger accusing another draft dodger of lying. Except in this case the draft dodger accusing the other draft dodger is the one who is lying.

Too complicated? Okay: TRUMP IS LYING. And he also dodged the draft, so he has no moral authority to question Blumenthal on his own draft dodging.

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