Saturday, February 18, 2017

DAY 30: Trump lies about "inheriting a mess"

Since his February 16 press conference, Donald Trump has been insisting that he inherited "a mess" from the Obama administration. Today he repeated it on Twitter and at a rally in Florida.

But that's another one of Trump's lies. Trump inherited a very the exact opposite of "a mess."

For example: according to the Census Bureau, in 2016 povery rates went down in the United States. Employment rates went up. And the economy was doing well enough under Barack Obama that interest rates actually went slightly up.

So if Trump thinks that handling the presidency is too hard, it isn't because he "inherited a mess", but because he's too ignorant to understand how government works.

And by the way: part of the reason why Trump's administration is the real mess is because he has not been able to get people appointed to top cabinet positions. Not because of the Democrats (no cabinet member appointe by Trump has beem succssfuly blocked by the Democrats) but because, as The New York Times discovered, Trump has been rejecting possible candidates for top cabinet positions simply because they made coments against Trump in the past. Even when the candidates were qualified and experienced.

Thus, Trump is lying when he blames the Obama administration for Trump's own stupidity.

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