Thursday, February 9, 2017

Sean Spicer mentioned several times fake Atlanta terror attack and then said he meant Orlando

Although Sean Spicer, Trump's Press Secretary, said to different media outlets over a period of two days there was a terror attack in Atlanta, when he was finally told by the press there was no terror attack in Atlanta he tried to weasel himself out of it by saying he "clearly meant Orlando."

First Spicer said on January 29 to ABC's The View:

"What do we say to the family who loses somebody over a terroristic [sic] — to whether it's Atlanta or San Bernardino or the Boston bomber?" Spicer said during the appearance."

Then, on January 30, he said to MSNB:

"whether you're talking about San Bernardino, Atlanta."

The same day he said during a press briefing:

"But I don't think you have to look any further than the families of the Boston Marathon, in Atlanta, in San Bernardino to ask if we can go further."

Oh by the way; he said that in order to defend Trump's Muslim ban.

So now we have two fake terror attacks fabricated by Trump's people: the Bowling Green Massacre and Atlanta.


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