Saturday, February 11, 2017

Trump lies about refugees from Muslim countries and attacks them with FAKE NEWS

Since Donald Trump LOST after an Appeals Court blocked his Muslim ban, now he's continuing his tantrum by attacking refugees from Muslim countries by suggesting they are "dangerous", even though there is no evidence supporting that claim:

That is a BIG LIE. Here's why:

1. Not a single terrorist attack against Americans on American soil has been perpetrated by a refugee from any of the 7 Muslim countries in Trump's Muslim ban.

2. Refugees have to go through 2 years of extensive vetting in order to be granted refugee status.

3. Refugees can't choose the country they will be relocated to. Thus, the chances of ending up in the United States are NOT 100%.

4. Vetting for refugees got even tougher during the Obama administration, adding even more controls to the process and making it even more difficult for a potential terrorist to enter the US via refugee status.

Also, the Appeals Court concluded Trump did not provide any evidence to demonstrate the immigrants, refugees and travelers from his Muslim ban list represented a danger to the United States.

By the way; didn't Trump say he would issue another Muslim ban sometime next week? Why is he throwing a tantrum then?

One can only guess the reason for his tantrum is because he knows his next Muslim ban will also be blocked by the Judiciary and he will NEVER be able to get away with it.

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