Wednesday, February 15, 2017

DAY 27: Clearly desperate, Trump misleads about Obama and Russia and contradicts himself

After The New York Times published last night that US intelligence caught Trump's presidential campaign talking to Russian intelligence, Trump went on to Twitter to throw a tantrum. He said:

So which one is it? Fake news or true information given to the media "illegally"?

But there's more. Then Trump said:

O really? The FBI shouldn't interfere? Because Trump didn't complain when the FBI published that late statement saying they were reopenning Hillary Clinton's investigation because of an Anthony Weiner laptop.

That's called HYPOCRISY.

But there's more! After that Trump tried to attack Barack Obama:

That's actually false and misleading. The Obama administration was the one that imposed sanctions on Russia because of Crimea. The same sanctions Trump wants to lift using as an excuse a supposed agreement from Vladimit Putin not to expand Russia's nuclear weapons. Which shows the one who is really weak is Trump.

So there you have it. Trump is contradicting himself, flat out lying, and confirming that the information leaked to the press regarding his campaign is in fact true. Because after the Obama tweet he said this:

What Trump is saying the problem is not that his campaign was in league with Russia, but that somebody is telling on him.

'Nuff said.

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