Friday, February 3, 2017

DAY 15: Unemployment goes up with Trump in office

According to figures from the Labor Department, the unemployment rate in January, 2017, went up from 4.7% the previous month to 4.8%. In other words, unemployment went up with Donald Trump in office.

Now, to be fair, Trump was in office only 10 and a half days in January, 2017. Which means Trump and Barack Obama share the responsibility for the unemployment increase. As to how much each share the blame is dabatable, but let's say Obama owns two thirds of the blame (since he was President for only two thirds of the month) and one third of the blame belongs to Trump.


On December 26, 2017, Donald Trump claimed his election was the reason why the stock market was up 10%:

So if Trump claimed responsibility for the market being up without being in office, then by that same logic Trump is responsible for the unemployment rate being up in January even though he was only in office 10.5 days.

"Hey, hold on a minute. The news says there were 227,000 new jobs in America in January instead of the 187,000 economists predicted", some may say. It's true. But guess what: more people are looking for a job every day. And when the amount of jobs are not enough for the new people looking for work, the amount of jobs are insufficient even if they beat expectations.

In other words, there's more unemployment with Trump. PERIOD.

Is that making America "great" again?

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