Sunday, February 19, 2017

Trump lies again about Sweeden; Crime in Sweeden has gone down with immigrants

A day after Donald Trump made an ass of himself for falsely claiming some terrorist-related incident took place in Sweeden last Friday as a result of the country accepting immigrants from Muslim countries, he tweeted this:

But guess what? "Story" was FAKE NEWS.

According to The Washington Post, the story Trump is talking about is an interview conservative pundit Tucker Carlson did with some person who claims there is a crime wave in Sweeden as a result of the arrival of immigrants from Muslim countries. The person who claims that also claims the Sweedish government is covering up the alleged crimes.

In other words, the Fox News story is FAKE NEWS. It is a made-up story without any evidence to sustain it other than some person's conspiracy theory.

But the reality is the exact opposite. According to Reuters, not only there isn't any crime increase in Sweeden because of immigration from Muslim countries, but in fact in the past 12 years the crime rate in Sweeden has gone DOWN even though Sweeden took in hundreds of thusands of immigrants from places like Syria and Iraq. I quote from Reuters:

Sweden's crime rate has fallen since 2005, official statistics show, even as the country has taken in hundreds of thousands of immigrants from war-torn countries like Syria and Iraq.

So there you have it. Once again Trump is lying and he is using fake news as a source of his lies.

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