Friday, February 24, 2017

The New York Times debunks Trump's lies at CPAC

The New York Times fact checked Donald Trump's speech at CPAC and found a whole bunch of lies. For example:

Trump claimed the electoral polls were wrong.
FALSE: Trump lost the popular vote, just as the national polls predicted.

Trump claimed he got a lot of votes from Bernie Sanders supporters.
FALSE: Not only there's no evidence of massive amounts of votes from Bernie Sanders supporters for Trump, but the evidence from the actual electoral results suggests some Bernie Sanders supporters either voted for a third party or wrote Sanders's name in the ballot.

Trump claims America has open borders and anyone can come in.
FALSE: There were nearly half a million arrests at the border and getting a visa is a tedious process.

Trump claims Obamacare took away health coverage from people and very few people actually use Obamacare.
FALSE: People with health insurance increased by 16 million with Obamacare.

Trump claims regulations are hurting the economy.
FALSE: The economy was doing well with Barack Obama. The economy started to tank with Trump, as unemployment went up in January.

Trump insisted that Sweeden as a crime problem because of immigrants.
FALSE: This has already been debunked even by the Sweedish government.

Trump claimed terrorism hurt tourism in Paris.
FALSE: Tourism has not decreased in Paris. In fact, Paris was the third most visited city in the world in 2016.

No wonder Sean Spicer didn't allow The New York Times, CNN and Politico to enter his press briefing today. He knew the press was going to call out Trump's bullshit.

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