Thursday, February 2, 2017

Trump changes course on Israel settlements and Russia; To soften Congress?

This is certainly strange. The Trump administration is changing positions on Israeli settlements and Russia's Ukraine intervention.

First, according to The New York Times, the Trump administration said the following in a statement about expanding Israeli settlements into Palestinian territories:

“While we don’t believe the existence of settlements is an impediment to peace, the construction of new settlements or the expansion of existing settlements beyond their current borders may not be helpful in achieving that goal.”

Which is strange since Trump supported the expansion of settlements throughout his campaign.

Then, at the UN, Trump's embassador to the UN, Nikki Haley condemned Russia's intervention in Ukraine:

Not only that, but she also said the US sanctions against Russia will stay in place. Which means for the time being Exxon won't get its deal with Russia, which is the first time Trump or his administration had said anything critical about Russia, a country accused of hacking the Democratic party in order to help Trump get into power.

However, both of those comments (no real action) by the Trump administration seem to be intended to soften Congress into keep more Republicans from voting against his Education Department pick, Betsy DeVos, and to try to stop Democrats from boycotting his pick for the Supreme Court.

It's a very sneaky way to say "look, we're not that bad" right when the American public is absolutely rejecting Trump over his Muslim ban, the border wall, and other such stupidities Trump has done in a mere two weeks.

So don't fall for it. According to a recent poll, 40% of Americans want to impeach Trump. On January 26 it was 35%. So that may explain why Trump is turning very slightly towards morality.

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