Friday, February 3, 2017

HYPOCRISY: Trump tweets about Muslim detained in Paris, but not about attack on Canadian mosque

So this morning Donald Trump tweeted this:

The tweet refers to the fact that a Frenc soldier shot a Muslim man who entered a store at the Louvre museum in Paris and attacked another soldier with a machete. The man had two backpacks with him but the backpacks did not have explosives.

The problem with this is the fact that five days before, on January 29, 2017, a far-right, White Christian extremist who is also a Trump supporter, shot and killed 6 people at a Mosque in Quebec, the French-speaking region of Canada. But Trump didn't tweet anything about it.

The terrorist who perpetrated the Quebec massacre, by the way, was also a supporter of Marine Le Pen, the right-wing extremist who wants to run for President of France.

Trump did call the Canadian government to offer condolences, by he tweeted nothing about it even though Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the mosque attack was an act of terrorism.

Ah, but Sean Spicer, Trump's Press Secretary, did use the Quebec attack to justify Trump's Muslim ban.

Except the Muslim ban makes exceptions for "religious minorities" from Muslim countries. That is; for Christians.

And the Quebec attacker was Christian.

That's how big a hypocrite Trump is.

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