Thursday, February 2, 2017

Uber's CEO quits Trump's business advisory group after boycott against Uber

Uber's CEO Travis Kalanick quit being in Donald Trump's business advisory group after a massive protest by Uber users and Uber drivers because of Trump's Muslim ban.

As a way to boycott Uber because of Kalanick being in Trump's advisory group, Uber users deleted the Uber app and switched to Uber's competitor Lyft.

And apparently the boycott did hurt Uber, as Kalanick decided to quit the advisory group and the company emailed the people who deleted the app and, according to Reuters, told them Uber "shares their concerns and will compensate drivers affected by the [Muslim] ban."

So pressure and boycotts do work against Trump.

Hmmm... how about not buying gas from Exxon anymore? Rex Tillerson was the CEO if Exxon. Thay might put some pressure on Trump to make him behave like a decent human being.

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