Friday, June 30, 2017

22 states refuse to comply with Trump's voter suppression scheme

According to The New York Times, 22 states with governments from both parties refused to comply with his administration's request for voter roll data, pointing out it is overreach by the federal government.

From The New York Times's article:

The vice chairman and day-to-day leader of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Voter Integrity, Kris Kobach, had asked election officials in a letter to turn over the data “if publicly available,” apparently to aid a nationwide search for evidence of election irregularities. Besides election information like voters’ names and party affiliations, the commission sought personal information including birth dates, felony conviction records, voting histories for the past decade and the last four digits of all voters’ Social Security numbers.

But guess what? Kobach's claims are bullshit. He has claimed there was widespread voter fraud in Kansas, but "he has found scant evidence of it so far."

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Donald Trump and the Republicans start campaign of voter suppression nationwide: The Nation

According to The Nation, Donald Trump and the Republicans started a campaign of voter suppression nationwide with four specific actions. The actions include:

1. The House of Representatives' appropriations committee voted to defund the Election Assistance Comission, which is the only federal agency that helps states make sure their voting machines aren't hacked. The Nation points out that "the $4 million funding request for the EAC is less than the cost of two trips by Donald Trump to Mar-a-Lago."

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States accuse Trump of trying to suppress voting after he asked for private voter data over insecure email

According to Gizmodo, the Trump administration asked the states to send personal information regarding all registered voters over an insecure email, placing the information of millions of American voters at risk. The information Trump requested includes partial social security numbers. At least two states refused and accused Trump os trying to suppress voting. From the Gizmodo article:

The White House on Wednesday requested that every state surrender a laundry list of voter data, including partial social security numbers, using an insecure email address unprotected by even basic encryption technology.

Encouraging state election officials to transmit voter data insecurely belies the White House’s stated goal of improving the security and integrity of federal election systems.

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Wired answers all of Donald Trump's recent dumb questions

Because of the fact that Trump is profoundly ignorant, and he knows he can be sued for diffamation of he outright makes a false accusation, he has this tendency to make dumb questions in his tweets to suggest he's affirming a lie. That way he can get awaay with it and say he was just asking a question.

Well, Wired decided to answer Trump's dumb questions in an article published today. Here's an example on his tweet asking if James Comey's memos were illegal:

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Trump wants to sue CNN, but doesn't have a case

The Interecept published today the audio of a private fundraiser Donald Trump held at one of his own hotels for his 2020 reelection bid. The audio reveals Trump wants to sue CNN, but he still doesn't have a case to do it.

From the article by The Intercept:

“It’s a shame what they’ve done to the name CNN, that I can tell you,” Trump went on, riffing on taking the network to court. “But as far as I’m concerned, I love it. If anybody’s a lawyer in the house and thinks I have a good lawsuit — I feel like we do. Wouldn’t that be fun?”

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DAY 162: Trump insists on attacking Morning Joe, and gets debunked right away

After the show Morning Joe responded to Donald Trump's attacks on Twitter, pointing out Trump has a "fragile, childlike ego", Trump lost his temper again and Tweeted this:

Joe Scarborough, co-host of the show, responded right away debunking Trump:

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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Russian hackers sought to collude with Michael Flynn according to intelligence sources

The Wall Street Journal published today an article about a Republican operative called Peter Smith who tried to get supposedly stolen emails from Hillary Clinton's server by asking hackers if they had them.

But the part of the article that really catches the eye, halfway through the text, is this:

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Trump loses temper and attacks Mika Brzezinski, triggering national outrage... against Trump

This morning Donald Trump tweeted this:

The tweets triggered a national outrage from both, left and right, as the attacks against the hose of MSNBC's Morning Joe's were clearly misogynistic, petty, and well beneath the office the of president of the United States.

For example, senator Lindsay Graham, a Republican who opposed Trump during the 2016 primaries, said:

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DAY 161: Trump defies Supreme Court on Muslim ban and applies arbitrary guidelines

In a clearly wrong application of the Supreme Court's orders, the Trump administration issued conflicting guidelines on how to enforce the requirement of having "close family" ties to people in the six countries in Donald Trump's Muslim ban.

The guideliness will consider "close family", and thus grant entry, to parents, spouses, children and stepchildren, but not to grandparents nor to aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, cousins, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, and fiances.

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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Reports surface of worker abuse at factory where Ivanka Trump made her clothes line

According to AP, new reports have surfaced showing brutal worker abuse at the Chinese factory where Ivanka Trump manufactured her clothes line. From the AP article:

A worker with blood dripping from his head marked a low point in the tense, grinding life at a southeastern China factory used by Ivanka Trump and other fashion brands. An angry manager had hit him with the sharp end of a high-heeled shoe.

Workers from the factory, including one current and two former employees who spoke to The Associated Press, reported overtime that stretched past midnight, steep production quotas and crude verbal abuse at Ganzhou Huajian International Shoe City Co. They said beatings were not unheard of, but the shoe attack, which all three say they witnessed last year, was violent enough to stand out.

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Trump attacks Amazon after Washington Post article proving Trump has fake TIME cover in his clubs

This morning Donald Trump posted a tweet attacking with a threat against the online store by saying Amazon does not pay "internet taxes". Here's the tweet:

The tweet has two lies:

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DAY 160: Trump lies about cut to Medicaid in Trumpcare

Donald Trump tweeted this today:

That's a lie. The Senate version of Trumpcare cuts Medicaid by triggering state laws that end the expansion of Medicaid and by using general inflation for its inflationary index, rather than the inflation rate for the medical sector.

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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Paul Manafort received $17 million from pro-Russia party in Ukraine

According to The New York Times, Paul Manafort, Donald Trump's former campaign manager, received $17 million dollars from a pro-Russia party in Ukraine over a two-year period, meaning he worked for a foreign power. From the NYT article:

Paul Manafort, who was forced out as President Trump’s campaign chairman last summer after five months of infighting and criticism about his business dealings with pro-Russian interests, disclosed Tuesday that his consulting firm had received more than $17 million over two years from a Ukrainian political party with links to the Kremlin.

The filing serves as a retroactive admission that Mr. Manafort performed work in the United States on behalf of a foreign power — Ukraine’s Party of Regions — without disclosing it at the time, as required by law. The Party of Regions is the political base of former President Viktor F. Yanukovych, who fled to Russia during a popular uprising in 2014.

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Trump tweets hypocritical attacks against CNN for Russia story

Donald Trump posted three tweets attacking CNN after the new network fired three people for being responsible for false information on on a story CNN retracted a story related to Russia and the Trump campaign.

Except Trump didn't tell the truth in his tweets. This is what he tweeted:

Followed by this:

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DAY 159: TRUMP LOSES: Republicans had to suspend vote on Trumpcare for lack of support

Because of the fact that the Republicans don't have enough votes to pass Trumpcare in the Senate (even though they have the majority in the Senate), Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell was forced to suspend the vote he had planned for before the July 4th recess. Now, according to NBC, he will try to have the vote done after the July 4th recess.

Why is Trumpcare being rejected by some Republicans? Apparently, because according to the Congressional Budget Office it would leave 22 million Americans without health insurance by 2026.

From the NBC article:

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Monday, June 26, 2017

DAY 158: Trump celebrates Supreme Court Muslim ban "victory" that isn't

The Supreme Court announced today it will hear the case by the Trump Administration asking to suspend the block to its illegal Muslim ban. The court will hear arguments on the case and possibly rule on it in October. As a result, the SC agreed to partially allow a limited version of the ban until it rules on it.

The SC order will allow the Trump administration to apply the Muslim ban only to people with no proven ties or business with the United States. But it will not allow the Trump administration to apply the muslim ban to people who are already living in the US, who "have a credible claim of a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States." Which means the muslim ban does not apply to people who have family, business dealings, medical dealings, or educational dealings with the US.

Donald Trump said immediately after that was “a clear victory for our national security.” The thing is, it is far from a victory for Trump. This is why:

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Sunday, June 25, 2017

DAY 157: Trump tries to justify his collusion with Russia with moronic tweet

Donald Trump tweeted this today:

What Trump seems to be saying is "why are you investigating MY collusion with Russia and not Hillary Clinton's collusion with the Democrats against Bernie Sanders."

The question is pretty idiotic. Let's see why:

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Saturday, June 24, 2017

DAY 156: The New York Times publishes catalog of Donald Trump's lies

The New York Times published today a catalog of Donald Trump's lies since he took office. Titled Trump's Lies, the catalog starts on January 21 and it continues to the present. Here's the introduction to the catalog:

Many Americans have become accustomed to President Trump’s lies. But as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them. So we have catalogued nearly every outright lie he has told publicly since taking the oath of office.

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Friday, June 23, 2017

More Americans believe Comey over Trump: Poll

A new poll by NBC News and The Wall Street Journal shows that more Americans believe James Comey over Donald Trump in regards to Comey's Senate testimony on Trump and the Russia investigation.

The poll shows 45% of Americans believe Comey, while only 22% of Americans believe Trump.

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DAY 155: And now Trump is trying to smear Robert Mueller

Donald Trump is now trying to smear Robert Mueller, the Special Counsel investigating the Russia case. In an interview with Fox News, Trump said this morning that he's bothered by the fact that Mueller is a friend of James Comey.

“He’s very, very good friends with Comey, which is very bothersome.”

And of course, Trump smeared Comey, but he did it in a way that attempted to justify his tweet suggesting Trump had tapes of Comey. He said:

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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Trump suggested to intelligence chiefs to refute accusations of collusion with Russia: CNN

According to CNN, Donald Trump suggested intelligence chiefs to refute accusations about collusion between Trump and Russia.

From the CNN article:

Two of the nation's top intelligence officials told Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team and Senate investigators, in separate meetings last week, that President Donald Trump suggested they say publicly there was no collusion between his campaign and the Russians, according to multiple sources.

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and National Security Agency Director Adm. Mike Rogers described their interactions with the President about the Russia investigation as odd and uncomfortable, but said they did not believe the President gave them orders to interfere, according to multiple sources familiar with their accounts.

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DAY 154: After threatening with "tapes," Trump now says he doesn't have recordings of James Comey

After Donald Trump fired James Comey, Trump threatened Comey with a tweet saying Comey should hope there aren't any "tapes" of the conversations he had with Trump. Well, now that the FBI is telling Trump to hand over the tapes, Trump claims he doesn't have any:

Which means either of two things:

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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Trump wants Congress to water-down sanctions against Russia

Guess what? Donald Trump is trying to get Congress to water down a bill that would impose sanctions against Russia for meddling in the 2016 election. Why? Because that way Trump would not have to veto it.

From The New York Times:

The White House is quietly lobbying House Republicans to weaken a bill overwhelmingly passed by the Senate last week that would slap tough new sanctions on Russia for its meddling in the 2016 election and allow Congress to block any future move by President Trump to lift any penalties against Moscow.

The effort is designed to head off an awkward and politically damaging veto fight between the Trump administration and the Republican-controlled Congress on Russia at a time when Mr. Trump is laboring under the shadow of multiple investigations about his campaign’s potential collusion with Moscow.

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Trump tells supporters he wants a "new" immigrant law that has actually been enacted since 1996

In a rally in Iowa today, Donald Trump said it is time for "new" immigration rules forbidding immigrants from getting welfare for at least five years.

The thing is, that law has already existed since 1996. According to The Hill, Trump said:

“The time has come for new immigration rules which say that those seeking admission into our country must be able to support themselves financially and should not use welfare for a period of at least five years.”

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STUPID: Donald Trump brags about solar panel idea for border wall... that doesn't work

During his really today in Iowa, Donald Trump oficially said what was a mere rumor; that he wants to put solar panels on his border wall to help pay for the cost. And he even bragged about him coming up with that idea. Problem is, that idea not only doesn't work, but it shows how stupid Trump's ideas are. But before we get into that, here's the video. Enjoy:

Now let's see why this is a stupid idea:

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DAY 153: TRUMP LOSES: Republicans keep losing votes five months into Trump's presidency

While the Democrats have lost most of the special elections this year, the results for those elections show the Republicans are losing a lot of votes five months into Donald Trump's presidency.

Here are the changes in votes in the special elections according to

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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

DAY 152: Trump bragged about Ford not building cars in Mexico, but those jobs will go to China

Back in January, before he took office, Donald Trump tweeted an article from Fox News about Ford not bulding some of their cars in Mexico and, instead, building them in a plan already working in Michigan:

A few minutes later, Trump bragged American being a magnet for "innovation and job creation":

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Monday, June 19, 2017

White House blocks audio and video from press briefings

Today the White House banned the use of video and audio at the daily press briefings. In other words, the media will no longer be able to record the press briefings, something that had never happened in DECADES since the press briefings have been televised.

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Trump did have deals with Russia: It asked the Russian government to update inactive trademaks in 2016

According to The New York Times, even though Donald Trump has claimed he has not had any dealings with Russia for years, he did have dealing with Russia during 2016. The dealings involved the renewal of 10 trademarks that were inactive and were about to expire in that year. The renewal of four of the 10 trademarks was authorized on election day, 2016. From the NYT article:

Last year, while hacking Democrats’ emails and working to undermine the American presidential election, the Russian government also granted extensions to six trademarks for Mr. Trump that had been set to expire. The Trump trademarks, originally obtained between 1996 and 2007 for hotels and branding deals that never materialized, each had terms that were coming to an end in 2016.

Despite their inactivity, the Trump Organization sought extensions for the trademarks from Rospatent, the Russian government agency in charge of intellectual property. In a series of approvals starting in April 2016 and ending in December, Rospatent granted new 10-year terms for the trademarks, the agency’s records show.

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DAY 151: Trump's lawyer admits TWICE Trump is under investigation, then flip-flops

Just the day before, Jay Sekulow, Donald Trump's lawyer, denied on two TV shows Donald Trump is under investigation for obstruction of justice. Today, on Fox News, Sekulow admited TWICE Trump is being investigated, only to contradict himself when anchor Chris Wallace pointed out he just admitted Trump IS under investigation:

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Sunday, June 18, 2017

DAY 150: Trump's lawyer says Trump doesn't think before tweeting

One of Donald Trump's lawyers, Jay Sekulow, had to say on national television that, contrary to what Trump himself tweeted, Trump is not under investigation. Which is false, as the Washington Post reported. But Sekulow claims Trump is not under investigation because he has not been notified of one. Problem is, people don't typically get notified when they are investigated and, as The New York Times pointed out, somebody who is being investigated gets notified much later.

But what was a true gem is the excuse Sekulow gave for Trump's tweet: That Trump doesn't think before tweeting. Here's the video from Meet the Press in which Sekulow literally says Trump only spends "15 seconds" writing a tweet:

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Saturday, June 17, 2017

DAY 149: Trump favored Arab countries he has made business with and pubished those he hasn't

According to The New York Times, Donald Trump appears to be benefitting Arab countries in which his business have made money, and at the same time is punishing those he has not made money with.

Saudi Arabia, for example, by far the most favored of the Arab states by Trump, has made the Trump organization millions of dollars for putting the Trump name in a golf course.

On the other hand, Trump has never been able to make money with Qatar even though he tried for years. And guess what? Now Trump is applauding a diplomatic ban from other Arab nations against Qatar.

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Friday, June 16, 2017

Desperate because of low approval ratings, Trump backs off on Dreaners and makes phony Cuba policy

According to an AP poll released today, Donald Trump's approval sunk to 35% and his disapproval is at 64%.

That could be the reason why Trump pulled two publicity stunts today. One to try to improve his approval among liberals and one to improve his approval among conservatives.

First, he backed off on trying to get Dreamers deported... for now. In other words, Barack Obama's policy of amnesty for Dreamers still stands.

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DAY 148: Donald Trump admits he is being investigated for obstruction of justice

Donald Trump finally admitted that he is being investigated for obstruction of justice:

There's a lie in the tweet, though. The investigation is being conducted by Robert Mueller, who did not tell Trump to fire James Comey (although some claim Trump is referring to Rod Rosenstein, who is heading the investigation at the FBI). AND, Trump told Lester Holt in an interview that Trump fired him regardless of recommendations.

But there's more:

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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Special Counsel is investigating Jared Kushner's business dealings with Russia

According to The Washington Post, Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating Jared Kushner's business dealings with Russia as part of the Russia investigation.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is investigating the finances and business dealings of Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and adviser, as part of the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

FBI agents and federal prosecutors have also been examining the financial dealings of other Trump associates, including former national security adviser Michael Flynn, former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Carter Page, who was listed as a foreign-policy adviser for the campaign.

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DAY 147: Even Mike Pence had to get a criminal lawyer because of Russia investigation

Even Mike Pence had to hire a criminal lawyer to defend him because of the Russia investigation. According to The New York Times, Pence didn't interact much with Trump's campaign before he was picked by Trump for his VP, but he could be called as a witness:

Mr. Pence has retained Richard Cullen, a former United States attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, becoming one of the most prominent figures in the Trump administration to have taken on personal white-collar criminal defense counsel.


But as the special counsel investigation progresses — focusing increasingly on the president himself and his actions in office — the vice president’s account as a possible witness may become more relevant.

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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

DAY 146: Special Counsel Mueller is investigating Trump for obstruction of justice

According to The Washington Post, Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating Donald Trump for possible obstruction of justice. AND the investigation started days after Trump fired James Comey.

From the WP article:

The special counsel overseeing the investigation into Russia’s role in the 2016 election is interviewing senior intelligence officials as part of a widening probe that now includes an examination of whether President Trump attempted to obstruct justice, officials said.

The move by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III to investigate Trump’s conduct marks a major turning point in the nearly year-old FBI investigation, which until recently focused on Russian meddling during the presidential campaign and on whether there was any coordination between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. Investigators have also been looking for any evidence of possible financial crimes among Trump associates, officials said.

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200 members of Congress sue Donald Trump for violating the emoluments clause

Today is Donald Trump's birthday and guess what Trump is getting from Congress? A nice lawsuit against him for violating the emuluments clause of the Constitution that forbids the President from profiting from dealings with foreign governments.

According to The New York Times:

Nearly 200 Democratic members of Congress filed a federal lawsuit on Wednesday accusing President Trump of violating the Constitution by profiting from business dealings with foreign governments.

The plaintiffs — believed to be the most members of Congress to ever sue a sitting president — contend that Mr. Trump has ignored a constitutional clause that prohibits federal officials from accepting gifts, or emoluments, from foreign powers without congressional approval.

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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Jeff Sessions uses bullshit excuse to not answer the Senate's questions

Jeff Sessions essentially refused to answer questions about Russia and his conversations with Donald Trump regarding the firing of James Comey during his Senate testimony under oath arguing that he was honoring a tradition of confidentiality between the Department of Justice and the president. Problem is, there is no law or legal standard that justifies that bullshit excuse. And the Senate told him. Sessions then goes on to say that he's not answering the question in case Trump wants to use executive privilege. In other words, there's no reason for Sessions to refuse to answer:

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Trump's disapproval rises to a record 60%

According to Gallup, Donald Trump's disapproval rating went up to a record 60%, while his approval sunk to 36%.

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Trump blocks a veteran group on Twitter

Donald Trump blocked a group of veterans from his Twitter account:

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DAY 145: Trump tries to distract the public after refusing to testify under oath and because of Trumpcare

Last Friday Donald, June 9, Donald Trump said he would "100 percent" testify under oath before Congress on the Russia investigation. Yesterday, Monday, June 12, the White House backetracked and said Trump didn't mean he would testify before Congress. In other words, somebody explained Trump that if he were to testify before Congress, he would commit perjury if he were to contradict James Comey, and if he told the truth about Russia, he would probably be admitting crimes.

So today, even though the one who is deep legal trouble because of James Comey's confirmation that Trump basically obstructed the Russia investigation, Trump posted a whole bunch of tweets trying to distract the public. Among them:

Except Lynch never committed any crimes. Trump apparently did (obstruction of justice).

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Monday, June 12, 2017

Trump brags about new coal mine... that only created 70 jobs

Today Trump tweeted a report from Fox News about the opening of a new coal mine in Pennsylvania:

Well, apparently Trump didn't read the report, because the mine was nowhere near enough to employ all unemployed coal miners.

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DAY 144: TRUMP LOSES: Second appeals court upholds block on Muslim ban

A second appeals court -the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals- upheld the block from a Hawaii federal court to Donald Trump's Muslim ban. According to CNBC, the court concluded Trump's Muslim ban exceeded his authority and it is discriminatory.

In its opinion, the 9th Circuit said it concluded that Trump "exceeded the scope of the authority delegated to him by Congress." The judges also wrote that Trump's order violates provisions that "prohibit nationality-based discrimination and require the president to follow a specific process when setting the annual cap on the admission of refugees."

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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Qatar calls on Trump's bullshit: He praised Qatar for fighting against terror

Remember how Donld Trump claimed Qatar was sponsoring terrorism and claimed the cut in diplomatic relations between Arab nations and Qatar was a result of his trip to Saudi Arabia? Well, guess what? Qatar just called Trump's bullshit. Turns out Trump praised Qatar for fighting against terror.

According to NBC, Qatar's finance minister Ali Shareef al Emadi told CNBC that two weeks before Trump claimed Qatar was sponsoring Terrorism, Trump delivered a speech in Qatar praising the country for fighting against terror.

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DAY 143: Trump calls Comey "cowardly", but he canceld trip to London for fear of protests

One of Donald Trump's early tweets today:

No. Comey's leaks were perfectly legal because they were personal notes. That is why Trump doesn't dare to affirm they were illegal and adds a question mark next to the word "illegal" instead.

But the tweet is also hypocritical if we consider the fact that Trump is cancelling his trip to London because he's afraid of having to face large protests.

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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Oops! Donald Trump Junior just admitted Trump Sr. DID tell Comey to stop the Russia investigation

In an interview for Fox News, Donald Trump Junior admitted his father, Donald Trump, did say to James Comey he hoped he stopped the Russia investigation. Trump Sr., on the other hand, says that's a lie. So is Donald Jr. lying?

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DAY 142: Apparently, Trump is sending Jeff Sessions to the Senate to respond to James Comey

According to The New York Times, Jeff Sessions will testify before the Senate on the Russia investigation.

Sessions was supposed to talk to other Congressional committees the same day he will testify (Tuesday, June 13) about the budget for the justfice department. But instead, he will talk about the meddling of Russia in the 2016 election.

Which suggests Donald Trump is sending Sessions to respond to James Comey after his damning testimony showing Trump tried to stop the Russia investigation.

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Friday, June 9, 2017

Trump lies in front of Romanian president, who then contradicts Trump

During a joint press conference between Donald Trump and the president of Romania, the press asked if they discussed visa waivers. Trump lied and said "we didn't discuss it." But then the president of Romania said "Yes ... I mentioned this issue." Notice Trump's reaction when the president of Romania calls on his bullshit. Trump has no option but to say "definitely."

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Rex Tillerson contradicts Trump on Qatar issue

Just 3 days ago Donald Trump posted several tweets against Qatar, accusing them of supporting terrorism and applauding the Arab nations that cut ties with Qatar. Then today, Trump accused Qatar funding terrorism “at a very high level,” and cliamed the blockade against Qatar could be “the beginning of the end of terrorism” because there would be "no more funding."

Well, an hour before that statement Secretary of State Rex Tillerson contradicted Trump and asked the same Arab nations ease their blockade against Qatar.

According to AP:

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DAY 141: Trump tweets lies against James Comey

Donald Trump started his day tweeting lies against James Comey:

Except Comey did not lie in his testimony before the Senate. And Trump was NOT vindicated. If anything, Trump's situation is now worse. Here's why:

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Thursday, June 8, 2017

DAY 140: James Comey tells Senate Trump lied; He leaked Trump memos to trigger special counsel

During his testimony before the Senate, former FBI director James Comey revealed he was the one who asked a friend to leak one of his memos regarding his meetings with Donald Trump, and Trump's attempts to get Comey to end the Russia investigation. Comey added he did so in order to trigger a special counsel for the Russia investigation.

On top of that, Comey sid Trump lied and difamed him when Trump attacked comey after he fired him.

According to the New York Times:

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Wednesday, June 7, 2017

TRUMP LOSES: Turns out some the most Republican states don't want to use coal anymore

Donald Trump has been pushing the idea of "clean coal" and even used the coal miners as a campaign prop. And he justified pulling the US out of the Paris Accord in part because of coal-generated power, claiming India was allowed to develop more power with coal, for example.

But according to The New York Times, it turns out Trump's fixation on coal is either a mirage or outright bullshit. Because, you see, some of the most Republican states are already on their way to be the first in the nation to achieve 50% of their energy from renewable sources.

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DAY 139: Trump told Comey he had nothing to do with Russian hookers... and that Flynn is a "good guy"

The US Senate released the written remarks James Comey prepared for his testimony before Congress tomorrow, June 7. The remarks contain the following passage, in which he suggested to Comey that Trump wanted him to stop the Russia investigation:

On the morning of March 30, the President called me at the FBI. He described the Russia investigation as “a cloud” that was impairing his ability to act on behalf of the country. He said he had nothing to do with Russia, had not been involved with hookers in Russia, and had always assumed he was being recorded when in Russia. He asked what we could do to “lift the cloud.” I responded that we were investigating the matter as quickly as we could, and that there would be great benefit, if we didn’t find anything, to our having done the work well. He agreed, but then re-emphasized the problems this was causing him.

That was on page six in the document with the written remarks. Quite specific, don't you think? Why would Trump feel compelled to tell Comey he had nothing to do with Russian hookers? By the way, that was an obvious reference to the intelligence report that claims Trump hired Russian prostitutes to pee on him.

But there's more. Prior to that paragraph, on page 5, Comey wrote this:

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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

DAY 138: Trump tweets attacking Qatar and then the Pentagon contradicts Trump

So this morning Donald Trump tweeted this in reference to the fact that some Arab nations cut diplomatic relations with Qatar over the fact that the royal family in Qatar paid a large sum of money to terrists as ransom for the release of one of the members of Qatar's royal family:

Well, after that the Pentagon contradicted Trump.

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Monday, June 5, 2017

Trump stages fake signing for proposal for privatizing air traffic control

Donald Trump staged a fake signing of a proposal to privatize air traffic control, only the thing he "signed" was a mere memo to Congress with no binding capability. It was neither an executive order nor legislation approved by Congress.

From the New York Times article on the fake signing:

At an East Room event that was choreographed like the elaborate ceremonies for enacting major legislation, Mr. Trump signed a memo and letter to Congress outlining his principles for overhauling the nation’s air traffic control system. He handed out pens to lawmakers who had been invited to attend, and reveled in several rounds of applause.

But Mr. Trump’s announcement did not have any binding effect...

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DAY 137: Trump contradicts his own staff about his Muslim ban and lies about vacant posts

Several times Sean Spicer and other members of Donald Trump's staff denied Trump's Muslim ban was a "travel ban", but today, Trump went on a Twitter diarrhea admiting is IS a travel ban:

It didn't stop there. Apparently as a response to the Morning Joe on MSNBC, Trump also tweeted this:

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Sunday, June 4, 2017

DAY 136: Trump lies about London's Mayor's comments on terrorist attack

After the terrorist attack on the London Bridge that left seven people dead, the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, asked people in London not to be alarmed because of the increased police activity. But Donald Trump took the comment out of context and said this on Twitter:

Immediately several people on Twitter pointed out the stupidity in the comment. But the one who really made Trump look like an idiot was Sadiq Khan himself with this response from his office:

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Saturday, June 3, 2017

DAY 135: France trolls Trump over the Paris Accord

The French goverment took a video by Donald Trump in which Trump lied about the Paris Accord and modified it telling the truth. Then they distributed it on Twitter:

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Friday, June 2, 2017

Russian banker dodges question about his meeting with Jared Kushner

NBC tweeted this video of Russian banker Sergey Gorkov dodging the questions from a reporter regarding his secret meeting with Jared Kushner.

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Kellyanne Conway dodges question about Trump believing or nor in climate change

Three times was Kellyanne Conway wasked on like TV if Donald Trump believed in climate change and three times she refused to answer:

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DAY 134: TRUMP LOSES: Jobs created in May miss expectations

According to data released by the Labor Department, 138,000 jobs were created in the US in May of 2017. And according to the Financial Times, the figure missed the Wall Street expectations of 182,000 jobs.

Additionally, the jobs figure for April of 2017 was revised to a significantly lower figure. The original figure was 211,000 jobs, but the revised figure ended up being 174,000 jobs.

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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Industries abandon Trump over pullout from Paris Accord; World leaders say there will be no negotiation

Minutes after Donald Trump announced it would pull the United States from the Paris Accord, industry leaders announced their disagreement with the measure and even their withdrawal from their participations in the Trump administration's concils.

Tesla's CEO Elon Musk, for example, according to The New York Times, said he would leave two of Trump's business-related councils. IBM expressed its disagreement with Trump's decision and said it would still support the Paris Accord.

Even General Electric and Goldman Sachs said pulling out of the Paris Accord would ultimately harm the economy.

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Trump's withdrawal from Paris Accord would take palce after election day 2020

Donald Trump announced today that he will withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement, making the US, the biggest polluter in the world, the only country not in the accord other than Nicaragua and Syria not in it.


He will follow the 4-year rule to withdraw. That means the full withdraw would take place by November 4, 2020, which is exactly 1 day after election day.

Which means two things:

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SWAMP: Trump gave ethics waivers to 16 staff members including Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway

Donald Trump gave ethics waivers to 16 staff members of his immediate circle so they could work on policy related to industries they worked for or lobbied for. Some of the people who got waivers include Chief of Staff Rience Priebus, Stave Bannon and Kellyanne Conway.

In the case of Priebus and Conway the waivers were given because both of them worked for the Republican party and they are still in contact with it. In the case of Bannon, the waiver was because he used to run Breitbart. That way he could continue being in contact with Breitbart.

But there were cases in which the waivers were spefically for lobbying.

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DAY 133: Putin admits there was hacking of the 2016 election by Russians and calls them "patriotic"

Vladimir Putin admitted today there was hacking by Russians of the 2016 election. Although he claimed the hacking was not done by the Kremlin, he admitted it may have been done by "patriotic" hackers.

According to The New York Times:

Shifting from his previous blanket denials, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia said on Thursday that “patriotically minded” private Russian hackers could have been involved in cyberattacks last year to help the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump.

While Mr. Putin continued to deny any state role, his comments to reporters in St. Petersburg were a departure from the Kremlin’s previous position: that Russia had played no role whatsoever in the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and that, after Mr. Trump’s victory, the country had become the victim of anti-Russia hysteria among crestfallen Democrats.

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