Thursday, June 29, 2017

Trump loses temper and attacks Mika Brzezinski, triggering national outrage... against Trump

This morning Donald Trump tweeted this:

The tweets triggered a national outrage from both, left and right, as the attacks against the hose of MSNBC's Morning Joe's were clearly misogynistic, petty, and well beneath the office the of president of the United States.

For example, senator Lindsay Graham, a Republican who opposed Trump during the 2016 primaries, said:

According to The New York Times, this was MSNBC's response to Trump's tweets:

“It’s a sad day for America when the president spends his time bullying, lying and spewing petty personal attacks instead of doing his job.”

When read the tweets on Fox News, deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders tried to turn around the issue and claimed the one who is being attacked is Donald Trump, claiming what's outrageous is the "number of personal attacks coming at Trump":

“I don’t think that the president has ever been someone who gets attacked and doesn’t push back,” she told the Fox anchor Bill Hemmer. “This is a president who fights fire with fire and certainly will not be allowed to be bullied by liberal media, and the liberal elites within the media.”

“But is that necessary?” Mr. Hemmer asked, referring to the graphic nature of Mr. Trump’s remark about Ms. Brzezinski.

“I think what’s necessary is to push back against unnecessary attacks on the president,” Ms. Sanders replied.

Ironically, even though Melania Trump was supposed to be pushing an agenda against cyberbulling, this was the response from her spokesperson on the new Trump tweets:

Which effectively turns Melania Trump into a hypocrite, since in 2016 she said people should stop hurting people based on "looks and intelligence":

It should be noted that Trump has been attacking the media recently with petty tweets and with outright lies. Just the day before Trump attacked The Washington Post, suggesting it was the property of and accusing Amazon of not paying "internet taxes" when the WP isn't the property of Amazon and there is no "internet tax".

UPDATE: Even Paul Ryan had to sorta-kinda-maybe grow a little bit of a spine to say he did not agree with Trump's tweets:

UPDATE 2: The Washington Post uploaded a pretty good video about the Trump-Morning Joe feud:

UPDATE 3: On June 30, Mika Brzezinski responded to Trump tweets saying the tweets betrayed a "fragile, childlike ego" in Trump. She also said Trump's insults were a response to a piece in Morning Joe related to the fake TIME magazine covers in Trump's clubs and properties. She added that she knew Trump would be "tweaked" by the jokes on the fake cover, but it is “unbelievably alarming that this president is so easily played.” Joe Scarborough, co-host of the show and a Republican, added “We’re O.K. The country’s not.”

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