Friday, June 30, 2017

Donald Trump and the Republicans start campaign of voter suppression nationwide: The Nation

According to The Nation, Donald Trump and the Republicans started a campaign of voter suppression nationwide with four specific actions. The actions include:

1. The House of Representatives' appropriations committee voted to defund the Election Assistance Comission, which is the only federal agency that helps states make sure their voting machines aren't hacked. The Nation points out that "the $4 million funding request for the EAC is less than the cost of two trips by Donald Trump to Mar-a-Lago."

2. The Department of Justice sent a letter to all 50 states essentially asking them to purge their voter rolls. This means if somebody is purged from the voter rolls by mistake, that person probably won't know until it's too late and won't be able to vote.

3. Kris Kobach's request to the states for sensitive, private voter data. At least two states refused to comply.

4. The Trump administration named Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation as a member of Trump's commission to investigate Trump's vote fraud lie. According to The Nation, Spakovsky is only second to Kris Kobach in his attempts to stop eligible Democratic voters from voting.

Apparently Trump is finally realizing he will lose control of Congress in 2018 and will also lose the 2020 election, so he's going to commit the closest thing to fraud in order to stay in power. Because, quite frankly, suppressing the vote of eligible voters is fraud.

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