Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Trump tweets hypocritical attacks against CNN for Russia story

Donald Trump posted three tweets attacking CNN after the new network fired three people for being responsible for false information on on a story CNN retracted a story related to Russia and the Trump campaign.

Except Trump didn't tell the truth in his tweets. This is what he tweeted:

Followed by this:

Before we continue let's make one thing clear: CNN fired three people because of ONE story they had to retract. Trump claims it was because of "stories". The story (in the singular), according to CNN itself, "reported that Congress was investigating a "Russian investment fund with ties to Trump officials,"" and "cited a single anonymous source."

So now that we have context let's see if Trump's attacks hold water:

1. There are no "other phony stories" by CNN.

2. Fox News had not fired anyone for the fake claims their contributors have made, including the claim by Andrew Napolitano that England spied on Trump for Barack Obama, a claim that Trump himself repeated. Interestingly, Trump has never asked for apologies from Fows News, has never called Fox News "fake news" and has never called them "phony".

3. There are fake news stories by NBC, the Washington Post, CBS, ABC, or the New York Times related to Donald Trump.

On top of that, let's remember the following:

1. Donald Trump claimed for years that Barack Obama was not born in the United States, which is a blatant lie, and he NEVER apologized for it. He did ask Fox News to apologize for repeating his bullshit either.

2. Trump repeated false claims from Fox News and NEVER apologized for it. In fact, he defended Andrew Napolitano.

3. Trump has not apologized for the avalanche of lies he has said since he took office either.

So Trump's attacks against CNN not only are bullshit, but they are also hypocritical.

As per the CNN story, it's a side story that has nothing to do with the main issue with Russia: the fact that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to try to influence the US elections. That is not a fake story. That's real. There's a Special Counsel investigating. And Trump knows it. That is why he's desperate to try to attack anything that might LOOK like he's right when he says the Russia collusion is fake. But the thing is, if the Russia collusion were actually fake, he wouldn't even have to say anything. The evidence would speak for itself. But since the evidence does speak for itself, and it speaks TERRIBLE against him, now Trump is trying to say it's fake.

By the way; Back in 2004 CBS fired Dan Rather because he aired a piece about George W. Bush claiming he was a draft dodger based on some fake letters that had ZIP codes when ZIP codes didn't exist yet. Many people suspected the letters came from Karl Rove, Bush's main adviser, as a move to try to get CBS from influencing voters against Bush. This thing with CNN, based on anonymous information, reeks of the same tactic. Except this one stinks of Trump, who used to make fake phone calls to talk great about himself to media outlets.

Too bad the Russia investigation is still holding. And unlike Trump, who lies and then insists on defending his lies, CNN took measures against the people who did not follow proper editorial guidelines. When Trump apologizes for his lies then he can complain about CNN.

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