Sunday, June 25, 2017

DAY 157: Trump tries to justify his collusion with Russia with moronic tweet

Donald Trump tweeted this today:

What Trump seems to be saying is "why are you investigating MY collusion with Russia and not Hillary Clinton's collusion with the Democrats against Bernie Sanders."

The question is pretty idiotic. Let's see why:

1. Bernie Sanders himself admitted in his book Our Revolution that he made mistakes in his campaign that cost him the Democratic nomination. An alleged "collusion" between Clinton and the Democrats was NEVER an issue to anyone, including Bernie Sanders.

2. Trump's collusion with Russia was ILLEGAL. Colluding with tha foreign country to hack an election is to be complicit in cyber warfare, which should be considered TREASON and which should be enough to have Trump impeached.

3. If Hillary Clinton had in fact colluded with the Democrats (she didn't), that would not be illegal. Colluding with a foreign country to interfere with the US democratic process IS illegal.

That tweet could be considered an admission of guilt by Trump that he did collude with Russia, but trying to justify it by saying Hillary Clinton also "colluded" with the Democrats. Except there was no collusion between Hillary and the Democrats, and the Democrats are not a foreign power.

This should be evidence enough for Robert Mueller's investigation on whether or not Trump obstructed justice, as now there is a clear movite.

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