Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Trump attacks Amazon after Washington Post article proving Trump has fake TIME cover in his clubs

This morning Donald Trump posted a tweet attacking with a threat against the online store by saying Amazon does not pay "internet taxes". Here's the tweet:

The tweet has two lies:

1. Amazon does not own The Washington Post. The newspaper is owned by Jeff Bezos, who is also the CEO of Amazon, but the company does not own the newspaper. It is owned by Bezos personally.

2. There's no such thing as an "internet tax." Online stores such as Amazon do not have any special taxes. Sales taxes are set by the states, but those taxes are paid by the consumer, not by the company.

Trump apparently tweeted that message in response to an article published by The Washington Post the day before showing Trump has a fake cover of TIME magazine decorating at least eight of his clubs and properties. The fake cover was spotted recently and prompted TIME to demanda that Trump takes it down from his clubs and properties. From the WP article:

This cover — dated March 1, 2009 — looks like an impressive memento from Trump’s pre-presidential career. To club members eating lunch, or golfers waiting for a pro-shop purchase, it seemed to be a signal that Trump had always been a man who mattered. Even when he was just a reality TV star, Trump was the kind of star who got a cover story in Time.

But that wasn’t true.

The Time cover is a fake.

There was no March 1, 2009, issue of Time magazine. And there was no issue at all in 2009 that had Trump on the cover.

Here's the fake cover (right) next to a real TIME magazine cover from March 2, 2009 (left):

And here's the list of Trump properties where the fake cover has been spotted framed and hung on a wall:

Such as this case:

And this one:

And this one...

The fake cover by the way, led to people on Twitter making fun of Trump:

Which may explain the morning tweet against Amazon.

TIME magazine, by the way, published an article telling people how to tell if a cover is fake:

In this particular case, the biggest evidence that the cover Trump is displaying is fake is the fact that the portrait is behind the TIME title. TIME always puts the portrait in front of the title.

According to The Washington Post, the cover was not created in 2009. While March 1, 2009, was the premiere of Celebrity Apprentice, Trump's second reality show, the UPC bar code in the fake cover is the same one used in a tutorial for making a fake TIME cover that appeared online in 2010.

What's funny about it is the fact that Trump said in an interview in 2016 that he has been twice in the cover of TIME magazine before getting into politics and six times after. That's false. TIME featured Trump on the cover only once prior to 2016. It was in a 1989 edition. Which means either of two things:

A) Either Trump himself did NOT know the TIME cover was fake. (And if that was the case then Trump is a stupid moron.) OR...

B) Trump did know the cover was fake but he peddled it anyway in his clubs to try to fool his customers (and if that was the case then Trump is a stupid moron for not knowning what a real TIME cover looks like AND his customers are even bigger stupid morons for buying that bullshit cover.)

Regardless, it is quite ridiculuous that Trump is calling The Washington Post "fake news" when he's the one peddling LITERALLY fake news to his club members.

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