Thursday, June 1, 2017

Industries abandon Trump over pullout from Paris Accord; World leaders say there will be no negotiation

Minutes after Donald Trump announced it would pull the United States from the Paris Accord, industry leaders announced their disagreement with the measure and even their withdrawal from their participations in the Trump administration's concils.

Tesla's CEO Elon Musk, for example, according to The New York Times, said he would leave two of Trump's business-related councils. IBM expressed its disagreement with Trump's decision and said it would still support the Paris Accord.

Even General Electric and Goldman Sachs said pulling out of the Paris Accord would ultimately harm the economy.

Trump claimed he was looking to negotiate a better deal, but France and Germany said there would ne no negotiation at all in regards to the Paris Accord.

Additionally, Trump also claimed that “It is time to put Youngstown, Ohio; Detroit, Mich.; and Pittsburgh, Pa., along with many, many other locations within our great country, before Paris, France.” But the mayor of Pittsburgh, Bill Peduto, responded to Trump on Twitter, “I can assure you that we will follow the guidelines of the Paris Agreement for our people, our economy & future.”

PS: Associated Press ran a fact check on Trump's speech announcing the withdrawal of the Paris Accord. As you may expect, it is full of bullshit. Contrary to Trump's claim, the Paris Accord is not responsible for the decline of the coal industry; natural gas is. Trump also claimed he created over a million jobs since the election. False. In fact, the job growth after the Trump administration started is LOWER than the same job creatin average under Obama. And his data on the Paris Accord is also bogus, as it came from two lobbyists against environmental regulations.

UPDATE: The next day, June 2, The New York Times published an article showing Trump picked the wrong city to try to defend his position on the Paris Accord, as Pittsburgh not only votes 75% Democrat, but it's one of the cities that truly follows the Paris Accord. From the NYT article:

Once among the most polluted cities in the country, Pittsburgh today is increasingly rebuilding around greener medical complexes, research universities and tech offices. In place of steel mills, the city now has its own Google outpost and test track for autonomous cars. The U.S. Steel Tower, the tallest building in town, now bears the name of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. The local renewable energy industry employs 13,000 people, according to the city.

In other words, Trump doesn't even know what he's talking about.

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