Wednesday, June 14, 2017

200 members of Congress sue Donald Trump for violating the emoluments clause

Today is Donald Trump's birthday and guess what Trump is getting from Congress? A nice lawsuit against him for violating the emuluments clause of the Constitution that forbids the President from profiting from dealings with foreign governments.

According to The New York Times:

Nearly 200 Democratic members of Congress filed a federal lawsuit on Wednesday accusing President Trump of violating the Constitution by profiting from business dealings with foreign governments.

The plaintiffs — believed to be the most members of Congress to ever sue a sitting president — contend that Mr. Trump has ignored a constitutional clause that prohibits federal officials from accepting gifts, or emoluments, from foreign powers without congressional approval.

The NYT points out this is the third time Trump has been sued for violating the emoluments clause. This particular lawsuit accuses Trump of receiving money from foreign officials who have staid at his hotels and of accepting trademark approvals from foreign governments for his company's goods and services.

Now, the actual purpose of the lawsuit is to make a judge order an investigation into Trump's finances so they can become public, something Trump has refused to do.

The thing is, as more people file lawsuits against Trump for violating the emoluments clause, the more Trump can't argue the people suing him don't have the right to do so. Thus, at some point some judge is going to to decide it is time for Trump to hand over the information of his business dealings.

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