Wednesday, June 7, 2017

TRUMP LOSES: Turns out some the most Republican states don't want to use coal anymore

Donald Trump has been pushing the idea of "clean coal" and even used the coal miners as a campaign prop. And he justified pulling the US out of the Paris Accord in part because of coal-generated power, claiming India was allowed to develop more power with coal, for example.

But according to The New York Times, it turns out Trump's fixation on coal is either a mirage or outright bullshit. Because, you see, some of the most Republican states are already on their way to be the first in the nation to achieve 50% of their energy from renewable sources.

Two years ago, Kansas repealed a law requiring that 20 percent of the state’s electric power come from renewable sources by 2020, seemingly a step backward on energy in a deeply conservative state.

Yet by the time the law was scrapped, it had become largely irrelevant. Kansas blew past that 20 percent target in 2014, and last year generated more than 30 percent of its power from wind. The state may be the first in the country to hit 50 percent wind generation in a year or two, unless Iowa gets there first.

That's right. States with Republican governments are no longer using coal to produce energy and, instead, are using wind power. AND they are the states with the largest percentage of their power being produced with wind. Those states include Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota, Oklahoma, North Dakota and Texas, which produces 69% of the wind power in the country.

So not even the Republicans are buying Trump's bullshit about coal. They're simply using it less and less and, instead, are turning to renewable energy.

One more lie from Trump that gets debunked.

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