Tuesday, June 27, 2017

DAY 159: TRUMP LOSES: Republicans had to suspend vote on Trumpcare for lack of support

Because of the fact that the Republicans don't have enough votes to pass Trumpcare in the Senate (even though they have the majority in the Senate), Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell was forced to suspend the vote he had planned for before the July 4th recess. Now, according to NBC, he will try to have the vote done after the July 4th recess.

Why is Trumpcare being rejected by some Republicans? Apparently, because according to the Congressional Budget Office it would leave 22 million Americans without health insurance by 2026.

From the NBC article:

As of Tuesday afternoon, five Republican senators — enough to block a procedural motion to proceed with the bill — said they would oppose the motion barring changes to the plan. A Congressional Budget Office score on Monday estimated that the proposal would lead to 22 million more uninsured Americans by 2026, only complicating matters for moderate GOP senators on the fence.

Five senators is a lot. Republicans currently have 52 senators. That means they can lose two votes from within the party and still pass legislation using Mike Pence's tie-breaking vote. But in this case the Republicans are three votes under the 50 needed to impose the legislation.

Which means Mitch McConnell would have to convince three of the rogue Republican senators in order to get to 50. Which does not look like it might happen given how badly Trumpcare will hurt the Republican vote.

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