Friday, June 30, 2017

22 states refuse to comply with Trump's voter suppression scheme

According to The New York Times, 22 states with governments from both parties refused to comply with his administration's request for voter roll data, pointing out it is overreach by the federal government.

From The New York Times's article:

The vice chairman and day-to-day leader of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Voter Integrity, Kris Kobach, had asked election officials in a letter to turn over the data “if publicly available,” apparently to aid a nationwide search for evidence of election irregularities. Besides election information like voters’ names and party affiliations, the commission sought personal information including birth dates, felony conviction records, voting histories for the past decade and the last four digits of all voters’ Social Security numbers.

But guess what? Kobach's claims are bullshit. He has claimed there was widespread voter fraud in Kansas, but "he has found scant evidence of it so far."

Kobach claimed he wanted to match the data in voter rolls with data in "federal records of foreign residents and undocumented immigrants", according to The New York Times. That would end up in a nationwide voter suppression scheme, as eligible voters with the same names as non-eligible voters could be thrown off voter rolls as a result.

Ironically, Kobach himself an a panel member from Indiana, Mike Pence's state, could not comply with the request for data because of privacy laws.

Some states like California and Mississippi outright refused to comply. Wisconsin said they would comply provided the Trump administration paid a $12,500 fee charged to anyone wanting the voter rolls.

Kentucky, in its refusal to comply, essentially called the Trump comission on illegal voting a fraud and an effort to suppress votes:

“Kentucky will not aid a commission that is at best a waste of taxpayer money and at worst an effort to legitimize voter suppression efforts across the country.”

In other words, nearly half the country is not buying Trump's bullshit story that he lost the popular vote because of voter fraud and, instead, are denouncing Trump's attempts at suppressing votes.

UPDATE: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo also called Trump's scheme a fraud:

And Kentucky's Secretary of State put it in even more blunt terms:

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