Monday, June 19, 2017

DAY 151: Trump's lawyer admits TWICE Trump is under investigation, then flip-flops

Just the day before, Jay Sekulow, Donald Trump's lawyer, denied on two TV shows Donald Trump is under investigation for obstruction of justice. Today, on Fox News, Sekulow admited TWICE Trump is being investigated, only to contradict himself when anchor Chris Wallace pointed out he just admitted Trump IS under investigation:

First Jekulow said:

"He takes the action that they also, by the way, recommended. And now he's being investigated by the Department of Justice. So he's being investigated for taking the action the attorney general and deputy attorney general recommended him to take by the agency that recommended the determination."

Then, immediately after, Chris Wallace points out Sekulow admitted twice Trump is under investigation:

Wallace: Well, I—what—what... First of all, you've now said that he is being investigated —

Sekulow: No.

Wallace: You — just said, sir, that he's being—

Sekulow: No, he's not being investigated!

Wallace: You just said that he's being investigated.

Sekulow: No, Chris, I said that — let me be crystal clear so you completely understand. We have not received, nor are we aware of any investigation of the president of the united States.

Wallace: Sir, you just said two times that he's being investigated.

And after that Sekulow gets visibly upset.

Even more interesting, Sekulow tried to sell the idea during that interview that if Trump were in fact being investigated for firing Comey, he would be investigated for taking an action that was recommended to him by the Justice Department.

Which, of course, is bullshit. Trump himself told Lester Holt he was going fire Comey regardless of the recommendation of the Deputy Attorney general to fire Comey and he had made the decision BEFORE the recommendation.

What's really disgusting is how Sekulow contradicted himself and then accused Wallace of putting words in his mouth. That's the Trump people for ya.

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