Thursday, June 22, 2017

DAY 154: After threatening with "tapes," Trump now says he doesn't have recordings of James Comey

After Donald Trump fired James Comey, Trump threatened Comey with a tweet saying Comey should hope there aren't any "tapes" of the conversations he had with Trump. Well, now that the FBI is telling Trump to hand over the tapes, Trump claims he doesn't have any:

Which means either of two things:

A) Trump is telling the truth and his original threat against Comey was bullshit.

B) Trump is a chickenshit and now that the FBI is taking his threat seriously he crapped his pants and his lawyers told him to deny the existance of the recordings.

Notice, however, Trump is still claiming there is espionage (a bullshit claim he never proved), but even so HE doesn't have "tapes" of Comey.

In other words (read with a Trump voice): "The totally fake media is not reporting about the tapes Obama made of me, but I didn't make any tapes of Comey. That's fake news. Sad."

Question is, is the Special Counsel going to accept Trump's denial just like that? Honestly, it sounds like Nixon deleting the White House tapes.

And by the way; saying HE did not make the recordings means somebody else could've made them. And saying he does not have them means he could've deleted them or given them to somebody else.

Let's see what Robert Mueller says about this.

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