Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Trump's recent stupid comments and Trumpcare are meant to increase his poll numbers, not as actual policy

Donald Trump has been on a streak of stupid, prejudiced comments on foreign issues and he has been on an effort to pass another version of Trump care that's even worse than the one that already failed in the Senate.

As it turns out, the whole thing is a mere ploy to try to boost his approval numbers among the most racists in his followers. Which is most of his followers.

How do we know that? Because Trump is actually paying for ads on Facebook aimed at the worst of the worst of his followers, trying to sell them the idea that he will build a border wall, when in fact he won't, as he does not have the numbers in Congress to approve the money to built it.

The Facebook ads story was discovered by Buzzfeed, which published:

President Donald Trump is using targeted Facebook ads to reassure supporters that he still plans to build the border wall after his recent public comments caused many to question whether he would keep his promise.

"There's been a lot of noise and a lot of rumors," reads the text of a Facebook ad from Trump's personal Facebook page that was targeted to specific users in recent days. "....WE WILL BUILD A WALL (NOT A FENCE) ALONG THE SOUTHERN BORDER OF THE UNITED STATES..." The ad concludes with a pitch for donations.

The thing is, it was Trump himself who said the wall was juts renovating some fencing:

I assume Trump panicked when Breitbart and other racist websites attacked Trump for saying he would not deport the Dreamers, and Trump thinks the Facebook ads will boost his sinking approval numbers. But guess what? Turns out what boosted his numbers wasn't the pandering for his followers, but behaving in a bipartisan way:

So if Trump wants to increase his popularity, he only needs to do one thing: Be like Barack Obama.

But Trump won't do that because then he would have to admit that Obama was a better president and Trump is a charlatan.

Too bad. It's not like we don't know that already.

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