Tuesday, September 5, 2017

DAY 227: Trump ends DACA and uses Dreamers as hostages for his racist immigration plan

Donald Trump announced officially the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA, which Barack Obama established through executive order to protect the children of undocumented immigrants, also known as "Dreamers," when Republicans in Congress blocked immigration reform.

Not only that, but Trump also is using the Dreamers as hostages to force Congress to pass his racist immigrantion plan that cuts legal immigrant admisions by half and only admits people who already speak English and make enough money not to need to live in the United States.

According to The New York Times:

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, said Mr. Trump would support legislation to protect those young immigrants, as long as Congress passes it as part of a broader immigration overhaul to strengthen the border, protect American jobs and enhance enforcement.

That means Trump's racist plan, if not the border wall also.

So now it will be up to the Republicans to pass legislation to protect the Dreamers before the March 5 deadline, in which the DACA officially ends.

But here's the thing: If Republicans don't pass legislation, they will lose Congress for sure next year, as hundreds of thousands of families will be affected all over the US.

This is by far the most despicable an racist action Trump has taken so far. If you still had doubts Trump is a racist, this should make it abundantly clear.

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