Friday, September 8, 2017

DAY 230: Trump picks up a fight with Republicans over filibuster rule

Apparently Donald Trump responded to criticism from his own party over him accepting the Democrat plan on the debt ceiling and relief for hurricane Harvey's victims by picking a fight on Twitter... with the Republicans. He tweeted the following this morning:

Which is fine with me. Republicans can fight with each other all they want. I just find it funny that Trump is insisting on pressuring Republicans to do something they're never going to do: eliminating the filibuster. If they do, the Republicans will not be able to stop the Democrats when they take over Congress in 2018.

And obviously the Republicans are not going to pass any tax legislation to please Trump after this. Question is, how long will it take for the Republicans to finally brake up with Trump and proceed to impeach him? Or at the very least side with the Democrats against Trump?

Although, to be fair, in order to do that the Republicans would need to actually grow a spine.

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