Monday, September 11, 2017

DAY 233: TRUMP LOSES on North Korea and NIH budget cut

Two more loses for Donald Trump today. First, he was unable to make the UN impose an oil embargo on North Korea, as he wanted, as a way to pressure North Korea into stop its nuclear weapons development.

According to The New York Times, Russia and China opposed the oil embargo. Instead, there will be a cap to oil exports to North Korea.

So what's Trump going to do now that Russia and China are not letting him impose his sanctions on North Korea? Probably what he always does: Nothing and blame it on somebody else.

Bot there's more.

After Trump took office he asked Congress for deep cuts for the National Institutes of Health, as a way to cut spending on science. But now Democrats and Republicans voted to increase the budget for the NIH.

Why? According to The New York Times:

The president’s proposal “would have crippled American innovation in medical research, delayed new cures and treatments and brought N.I.H. funding to its lowest level since 2002,” said Senator Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, the No. 2 Senate Democrat.

In other words, even Republicans in Congress are starting to grow a spine -a little at least- and are basically telling Trump he's an idiot.

That, and a loser.

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