Friday, September 29, 2017

DAY 251: Tom Price resigns because of private jet scandal; Trump says he's a "good man"

Donald Trump's secretary of health and human services Tom Price resigned today because of the scandal he created by spending $400,000 dollars in public money using a private jet.

According to The New York Times:

Already in trouble with Mr. Trump for months of unsuccessful efforts to repeal and replace President Barack Obama’s health care program, Mr. Price failed to defuse the president’s anger over his high-priced travel by agreeing to pay a portion of the cost and expressing “regret” for his actions.

“I’m not happy, O.K.?” Mr. Trump told reporters as he was about to head to his New Jersey golf club for the weekend, barely an hour before the resignation was announced. “I can tell you, I’m not happy.” He called Mr. Price “a very good man” but added that the secretary’s offer to reimburse the government for just part of the cost of the flights “would be unacceptable.”

Wait, wait.... what? Price offered to pay just a portion of the money he spent?

And Trump calls him "a good man"? How about calling him "crooked Tom"? The guy used a private plane for a trip that he could've done by train and spend a fraction of the cost. THAT is the definition corruption, not goodness.

And just for the record, the "portion" Price offered to pay was $51,887. The American taxpayer would end up paying the other MORE THAN A THIRD OF A MILLION DOLLARS for Price's joyrides in a private jet.

A simple resignation should NOT be the end of this. Price should pay the full $400,000 or else go to jail. Oh, but according to Trump, Price is "good man." Just like Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn, I suppose.

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