Sunday, September 24, 2017

DAY 246: Trump's goes after NFL protests... with hypocrisy

So this morning Donald Trump went after NFL players who protest against police brutality and inequality by kneeling diring the national anthem at games:

Aside from being a racist stand (Trump didn't call for the firing of White supremacists, but for the firing of mostly Black NFL players), Trump is being a hypocrite. You see, four years ago he said this:

Another racist stand from Trump, of course. But the part that stands out is the call to Barack Obama to not talk about a racial issue in the NFL because Trump considered it "nonsense" and his attention was required for "far bigger problems."

Well, Trump's immediate tweet before the "fire of suspend" tweet, last night seven hours prior, was this:

So from pushing North Korea into nuclear war, Trump went after the NFL with racism. Wouldn't that qualify as "nonsense" because of "far bigger problems"?

By the way: Trump's comments backfired. Dozens of NFL players protested. They either knelt in protest or just plain didn't even come out of the locker rooms as a protest against Trump.

You know who else decided to participate in the "take a knee" protest? A 97 year old World War II veteran who fought against the Nazis:

That man is a TRUE hero and he has the absolute moral authority to have a say on this issue. Because he fought Nazis. Trump defended Nazis. Trump has no right to tell ANYONE no to excercise their constitutional right to freedom of speech. In doing so, the one who is truly disrespecting the United States, by stepping over its constitution, is Donald Trump.

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