Saturday, September 16, 2017

DAY 238: Trump's "fraud" commission has been using private email; Experts say it violates federal law

Remember how Donald Trump has been bitching about Hillary Clinton's private email server? Well, turns out his "electoral fraud" commission -which is a farse in itself- has been using private email to communicate. Problem is, they are suppose to be dealing with the private information of millions of American voters.

According to ProPublica:

President Donald Trump’s voter fraud commission came under fire earlier this month when a lawsuit and media reports revealed that the commissioners were using private emails to conduct public business. Commission co-chair Kris Kobach confirmed this week that most of them continue to do so.

Experts say the commission’s email practices do not appear to comport with federal law. “The statute here is clear,” said Jason Baron, a lawyer at Drinker Biddle and former director of litigation at the National Archives and Records Administration.

The federal statute says public business must be done using a government email address, or a private email address with copy to a government address, or forwarding the emails to a government address within 20 days. None of that has taken place. In fact, Kris Kobach, the racist Kansas secretary of state that's heading the commission, claims the commission is under no obligation to use government email address.

Which, of course, ensures complete opacity of the business they are aconducting.

Regardless of the fact that the Trump administration is clearly violating the federal statute, there's another problem: by using private email, any private information from voters will always be at risk.

So this is the equivalent of Donald Trump's private email server. Oh, and guess what? If for some reason any emails from those private email accounts reach a server outside the US, the emails could be intercepted and stored by the NSA. What if the email has voter information?

That's how serious a threat to the privacy of American voters this is.

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