Saturday, September 23, 2017

Trump lies on Twitter about Iran firing ballistic missile; It never happened

Donald Trump twitted this:

Problem is, there was no ballistic missile "test fired" by Iran. Trump read some fake news story about it and then repeated without asking any of the US security agencies about it.

According to Vox:

On September 22, Iran released video footage of a missile test, just a few hours after the country displayed a projectile during a military parade. The next day, Trump responded on Twitter. “Iran just test-fired a Ballistic Missile capable of reaching Israel. They are also working with North Korea. Not much of an agreement we have!” he said, referring to the Iran nuclear deal.

The problem is the Iranian video shows images from a failed missile launch in January, and US intelligence officials say they “picked up no indication” of a new test. Israeli security officials also confirm the video shows images from earlier this year.

That's the guy in charge of the nuclear codes.

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