Tuesday, July 25, 2017

DAY 185: Trump loses hard: Trumpcare fails as 9 Republican Senators voted against it

Donald Trump lost hard in the Senate today, as he was able to get away with voting to debate the repeal and replacement of Obamacare by one vote (Mike Pence's, who had to break the 50-50 tie), but when it came the time to vote on the actual repeal and replacement plan -that is, on Trumpcare- nine GOP Senators voted against it, dealing a crushing defeat to Trump, with 43 votes in favore of Trumpcare and 57 votes against it.

After that vote, the Senate can still vote on amendments to the bill that might not pass the House, or a simple repeal, but three Republican Senators have already said publicly they would not vote in favor of a simple repeal.

Trumpcare actually needed 60 votes to pass. But Trump couldn't even get the full 52 Republican Senators to do it. From The New York Times:

The Tuesday night tally needed to reach 60 votes to overcome a parliamentary objection. Instead, it fell 43-57. The fact that the comprehensive replacement plan came up well short of even 50 votes was an ominous sign for Republican leaders still seeking a formula to pass final health care legislation this week.

The vote will continue tomorrow with either amendments or a simple repeal.

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