Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Trump and Kobach lie about false "voter fraud" but end up backfiring

Both, Donald Trump and Kris Kobach blatantly lied today, insisting on Trump's bullshit story about Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote because of a non-existent "voter fraud."

Kobach said, for example, that we "may never know" if Hillary Clinton won the popular vote because if there are fraudulent votes then we can't be sure if those votes were for Clinton or for Trump.

This is what Kobach said:

Problem is, that argument means Trump may not have won the electoral college vote either, since, following Kobach's logic, we may not know if there were fraudulent votes for Trump.

Or in other words, Kobach just bit his own ass.

For the record, there were no recorded fraudulent votes in the 2016 election and we do know that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote.

As per Trump, he claimed there was a large number of voter irregularities but showed no evidence of the supposed "irregularities", obviously becare there isn't any evidence of irregularities. Thus, the news channels had to debunk Trump's lies with the chyron:

Trump also said "if any state does not want to share this information one has to wonder what they're worried about":

Well, they're worried about Trump harassing and dumping elegible voters from voter rolls. Plain and simple. There's no other reason.

And by the way: if Trump is going to ask what are they worried about, then why doesn't he show his tax returns?

One really has to wonder how long can Trump keep this bullshit up before people really start to get tired of it.

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