Saturday, July 22, 2017

DAY 182: Donald Trump inadvertedly admits Sessions did talk to Russia about his campaign

This morning Donald Trump tweeted the following in regards to the article in the Washington Post showing data from intelligence sources indicating that Jeff Sessions did talk to the Russian ambassador Segei Kislyak about the Trump campaign, which can be considered collusion:

Which means that Trump is inadvertedly confirming the leak published by the Washington Post. Trump didn't say it wasn't true. He confirmed it as an intelligence leak, which means the information is real.

One has to wonder if Robert Mueller will consider that tweet as evidence.

And by the way: Amazon doesn't own the Washington Post. Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon, does. But the two companies do not interact with each other. I guess Trump was under the impression that by saying Amazon is attacking him, the Washington Post would not publish negative news about him out of fear of losing customers. Guess what? It's not going to happen. People are not going to stop buying online just because Trump says so. Trump aleady tried it once recently and Amazon was not affected at all.

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